Some customer in Baltimore may be wondering just how much information is actually on film!! That's a good question. Film is an analogue source, like a painting. There is a certain resolution needed to faithfully capture all the details in a digital form. The following images are a simplification to illustrate some general points and are not exact.
16mm Film Baltimore |
Process Comparison
Pro SD Scan
Pro HD Scan
Pro 2K Scan
35mm Film |
Process Comparison
Pro HD Scan
Pro 2K Scan
Pro 4K Scan
Baltimore Fun Facts: Today, Baltimore has around 650,000 residents and is a commercial and industrial hub. Its leading exports include coal, grain, iron, steel, an d copper. Shipbuilding remains a top industry, as are sugar and food processing, oil refining, biotechnology and chemicals. Baltimore is a center for scientific research, with facilities at Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland Hospital.
Maryland Fun Facts: Annapolis, the state capital, is also home to the United States Naval Academy. Maryland is the leading producer of blue crabs and is renowned for its crab cakes. One of the original 13 colonies, Maryland lies at the center of the Eastern Seaboard, amid the great commercial and population complex that stretches from Maine to Virginia. Its small size belies the great diversity of its landscapes and ways of life that they foster, from the low-lying and water-oriented Eastern Shore and Chesapeake Bay area, through the metropolitan Baltimore, its largest city, to the forested Appalachian foothills and mountains of its western reaches.