Some customer in Lower Merion may be wondering just how much information is actually on film!! That's a good question. Film is an analogue source, like a painting. There is a certain resolution needed to faithfully capture all the details in a digital form. The following images are a simplification to illustrate some general points and are not exact.
So, for example, if you are looking for the best quality DVD, scan your 8mm or Super 8 at HD. If you are looking to go to BluRay then scan your 8mm or Super 8 at 2K.
16mm Film Lower Merion |
Process Comparison
Pro SD Scan
Pro HD Scan
Pro 2K Scan
35mm Film |
Process Comparison
Pro HD Scan
Pro 2K Scan
Pro 4K Scan
Lower Merion Fun Facts: The Township is committed to preserving the beauty and character of Lower Merion's natural and man-made resources. Lower Merion boasts a comprehensive array of playgrounds, swimming pools, picnic areas, and nature parks on over 25 facilities which encompass more than 665 acres. Lower Merion is community characterized by a deep sense of civic pride and involvement. Over 18 business and civic associations provide an opportunity for residents to participate in their community.
Pennsylvania Fun Facts: In the American Civil War (1861-1865), Pennsylvania was the site of the Battle of Gettysburg,in whichUnion General George Meade defeated Confederate General Robert E. Lee, bringing an end to the Confederacy’s Northern invasion, as well as Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address. Tourists are drawn to Pennsylvania by its monuments to America’s revolutionary history, includingIndependence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Famous Pennsylvanians include patriot and inventor Benjamin Franklin, frontiersman Daniel Boone, painter Mary Cassatt,inventor Robert Fulton and comedian Bill Cosby.