Some customer in Salem may be wondering just how much information is actually on film!! That's a good question. Film is an analogue source, like a painting. There is a certain resolution needed to faithfully capture all the details in a digital form. The following images are a simplification to illustrate some general points and are not exact.
In general it is recommended that you scan at or above the resolution of the film. For 8mm and Super 8 that means scanning at HD or 2K.
16mm Film Salem |
Process Comparison
Pro SD Scan
Pro HD Scan
Pro 2K Scan
35mm Film |
Process Comparison
Pro HD Scan
Pro 2K Scan
Pro 4K Scan
Salem Fun Facts: Fire destroyed both of the city's first two Capitol buildings, one of which was copper-domed and modeled in part after the U.S. Capitol building. Salem's third (and present) Oregon State Capitol building was completed in 1938 at the site of the first two. The structure is distinguished by its gold-plated pioneer statue, known as the Oregon Pioneer, mounted atop the capitol dome.
Oregon Fun Facts: Starting in the 1830s, many groups of pioneers travelled to the state on the famous Oregon Trail, and the U.S. began joint settlement of the area with the United Kingdom. In 1846, the border between U.S. and British territory was formally established at the 49th parallel – the part of the territory that was given to Britain would ultimately become part of Canada.